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[教程] Basic Instruction for ELF (English)

发表于 2007-5-24 22:24:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Basic Instruction for ELF

Note: ELF patches are developing quickly, the following are based on ELF 2.2.

1. Make directories that are indispensable, via SiMoCo or any other explorer onS75.

1.1 make 4:\ZBin\Daemons\ and then copy Extd.ELFand cnfont.dat which are key files into it.
Note: all ELF files should be placed in 4:\ZBin\ or any of its subdirectories,out of which "4:\ZBin\Daemons\" is a special one, 'cause ELF in thisfolder will run as soon as your phone startup, while others will not run untilyou'd like to.

1.2 make 4:\ZBin\etc\
Note: this folder is for configuration files (.cfg and .bcfg) of ELF.

1.3 make 4:\Zbin\utilities\ and then copy  CfgEdit.ELF into it.
Note: as mentioned above, you can place ELF in 4:\ZBin\ or any of itssubdirectories as you wish, however, usually we place editors in4:\Zbin\utilities\
CfgEdit.ELF is an  editor for .bcfg files.

1.4 make 4:\Zbin\img\
Note: for icon files, and prior than the icons specified by S75 in case of conflict.
Note: .png files ONLY.

1.5 open Notepad.exe or any other test editor on your PC, paste the followingcode:


then save it as "extension.cfg", and copy it to 4:\ZBin\etc\
Note: the filename is extension.cfg, not extension.cfg.txt. And this is a keyfile too.
Note: as to the code above, "[bcfg]" is file extension,"RUN=4:\ZBin\utilities\CfgEdit.ELF" specifies an program to open .bcfgfile, the rest two lines specify the icons.
The rest may be deduced by analogy, i.e.

2. apply the following pathes via VK_Lay:
2.1 ELF-loader v2.2.vkp
2.2 API.vkp
;(c) avkiev
;Version: 070406

;S75 - API swi 2.2

;(!) Library

#pragma enable old_equal_ff
006F000: 7EB50D1C802211026B460ADF041C411C
006F010: 17D0002102226B460FDF061C013014DF
006F020: 2860051C00218155201C00226B460FDF
006F030: 201C291C321C6B460BDF201C69460DDF
006F040: 341C201C7EBD

006F060: 30B58C1E258885B0FF21049169460094
006F070: 89DF05B0208825804200A11C89180024
006F080: 0C8030BD

006F090: 03B500F07DF8FA20800014DF011C6031
006F0A0: 03B402991ADF02985C2131DF0099C865
006F0B0: 00985C2131DF2A214170002181700198
006F0C0: 0099021C6BDF002812D00098019900F0
006F0D0: 87F808D0102806D10098C16D17DF0098
006F0E0: 0399FFF7D5FF0198011C6CDF0128ECD0
006F0F0: 0198011C6DDF009815DF02B003BD

; DrawColorPicWithCanvas
; R0 - X
; R1 - Y
; R2 - Pic
; R3 - *color
006F100: 1FB5101C22DF041C029821DF0138013C
006F110: 0099019A0B198018012411B4C7DFF180
006F120: 25DF02B000240FBC10B426DF18BD

; PlayVibra
; R0 - Frequency
; R1 - Duration
; R2 - PlayIfOff (0-no, 1-yes)
006F130: 07B540DF029A104308D000987CDFC7DF
006F140: E4801030019902A201324DDF07BDFFFF
006F150: 00B500207CDF00BD

; CallFunction
006F160: 70B5FF2F0BD8074EBF00F7593E0EFF2E
006F170: 06D0A82E01D0002E01D1381C00E0B847
006F180: 70BDC046004007A0

; Subroutines
006F190: 03B5E4B0E4B0011C6846021C6BDF0028
006F1A0: 17D0694698B0684600F01AF80BD01028
006F1B0: 09D0684601B4694611DF04BC03D4011C
006F1C0: 101CE19A904718B06846011C6CDF0128
006F1D0: E7D06846011C6DDF64B064B003BD
006F1E0: 03B534311ADF009806A117DF0199B531
006F1F0: 08785F2804D0009817DF0199888D0121
006F200: 02B000BD5C000000

;R0 - Sound# (if > 0x80, plays with vibra)
;R1 - Vibra Frequency
;R2 - ... Duration
;R3 - Play Vibra If Vibra Off
006F210: 0FB57F23034000200021002204B432DF
006F220: 03BC802907BC00D356DF00BD

;In:  R0-filename
;Out: R0-duration in ms
006F240: 00B591B0694601AA0A6011DF06D4011C
006F250: 6846021D96DF009815DF079811B000BD

;In:  R0-path
;Out: R0-path (the same)
006F260: 11B599B0011C68461ADF6C4602345C21
006F270: 2170601C18DF00280FD0041C00202070
006F280: 01B401A8694691DF02BC0028EFD101B4
006F290: 01A8694610DF01BCE9E719B011BD

;In: R0-event (0=all, 1=missed calls, 2=missed messages, 3=missed other events)
;Out: R0-count
006F2B0: FEB5071C00269DDF00280CD0C6300688
006F2C0: 012F08D0351C4688022F04D0AD198688
006F2D0: 032F00D0AE19301CFEBD0000

; Send_MPlayer_Command
; in: R0 - cmd
; in: R1 - substract
; no=0x0D prev=0x02 next=0x01 fwd=0x12 rwd=0x13 list begin=0x1D track begin=0x27
; pause=0x10 play=0x0E toggle=0x11 stop=0x0F vol_up=0x15 vol_dwn=0x16 kill=0x0C mute=0x0A

006F400: 03B5C7DFE180036803BC5B1A01B40022
006F410: 02490348C7DF000101BDC04653800000
006F420: 09420000

;(c) KreN
;Returns File Size.
;R0 - File Name (0-term str)
006F500: FEB58BB06A4601A984DF411C00D00298
006F510: 0BB0FEBD

;(c) benj9
;in: R0 - time (seconds)
;out: R0 - iTime
006F550: FEB5052109020031143141430620B8DF
006F560: FEBD

#pragma disable old_equal_ff

3. "install" ELF
Take MegaDial for example, which enable fast acess to addressbook. The rest maybe deduced by analogy.
3.1 Copy MegaDial.ELF from your PC to 4:\ZBin\Daemons\
Note: Reference

3.2 Restart your S75
3.3 Enjoy
3.4 You can config the parameters for MegaDial if you'd like to.
3.4.1 Navigate to 4:\ZBin\etc\ andpress the center key when MegaDial.bcfg is highlighted.
3.4.2 Change the parameter in the popup windows as you wish.

Note: MegaDial require your addressbook lies in 0:\System\apo\addr


[ 本帖最后由 toni 于 2007-5-24 22:30 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-5-24 22:34:56 | 显示全部楼层
5 words~~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-24 23:32:42 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-24 23:55:18 | 显示全部楼层
thx for sharing!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-25 08:57:56 | 显示全部楼层


make 4:\ZBin\Daemons\ and then copy Extd.ELFand cnfont.dat which are key files into it.

如果是用英文的话在4:\Zbin\utilities\ 下就没有使用Cnfront.dat的必要了。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-25 16:51:12 | 显示全部楼层

1) What's the advantages of using ELF patch into S75 ? Can you explain ?

2) Is there any disadvantage in applying ELF patch onto S75 ?

3) Wha's the main purpose in using ELF ?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-25 17:11:15 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #7 foosoomin 的帖子

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-25 17:47:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 foosoomin 于 2007-5-25 16:51 发表

1) What's the advantages of using ELF patch into S75 ? Can you explain ?

2) Is there any disadvantage in applying ELF patch onto S75 ?

3) Wha's the main purpose in using ...

  1,鉴于妳是用的是S75,那么对国内S75 机油来说(个人理解),实用的ELF有Megadial  、XTask V2--实现多任务操作和屏显更多信息TextInfo这3个ELF。其它的完全是自己的兴趣。
(PS:英语快忘完了,applying 这个单词怎什么意思??汗.......)

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使用道具 举报

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