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[Flash修改] [E71V41]图标栏扩展器v3.6

发表于 2007-6-9 08:20:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. ;* Iconbar Additions v3.6 NewSGold *
  2. ; (c) benj9, completely revamped for NewSGold by BuG
  3. ; (!) Masterpatch, API, Library functions 11, 15, 16, 27,
  4. ; 3F, 40, 51, 69, 6A, B1, B6, C4, C9, CA, D6, DA, DB
  5. ; ready for ELFPack
  6. 5D7956: 1E839D8200271C39341C C046,004FB847,0xA007B81B ; E71v41

  7. ; don't replace line feeds with spaces in provider name
  8. 5DA9D6: 0A FF ; mainscreen, E71v41
  9. 721C6E: 0A FF ; screensaver, E71v41

  10. #pragma enable old_equal_ff
  11. 007B800: 49636F6E6261724164646974696F6E20
  12. 007B810: 62656E6A392C204275471E839D820027
  13. 007B820: 1C39341CF7B569DF9E48C4DF06D00024
  14. 007B830: 061C00F016F80134052CFADD994B0024
  15. 007B840: 0134042C08DC181918B4C4DF18BCF7D0
  16. 007B850: 061C00F0D9F8F3E76ADFF7BC08BC0433
  17. 007B860: 184718B5B178E1400122114001D06400
  18. 007B870: A74418BD04E013E017E08AE096E004E0
  19. 007B880: B6DFB26912184C24A5E0C7DFC9800078
  20. 007B890: 0028EED00138400880000830782497E0
  21. 007B8A0: 40DF80001030742492E0C7DFDA800078
  22. 007B8B0: 002868D1C7DFD6800078002863D0301C
  23. 007B8C0: 48300468002C04D1041C0E2014DF2060
  24. 007B8D0: 041C8CB0FF22F270C7DFCA8043888288
  25. 007B8E0: 21896089904206D1994204D1A2896748
  26. 007B8F0: 904247D03EE0002B03D00020A0812381
  27. 007B900: 6281009201A8311C543116DF01A8311C
  28. 007B910: 443111DF31D4706C018800292DD00230
  29. 007B920: 0139490000228A4227DC835C02320A2B
  30. 007B930: F9D1835C0A2B20D1271C0232131C0E33
  31. 007B940: 8B4200DA191C835C3B70013702328A42
  32. 007B950: F9DD012000230A22013F397830394143
  33. 007B960: 5B185043A742F7DC706C15DF00207064
  34. 007B970: A3811A1C0CB050242DE0F378FF2B03D0
  35. 007B980: 424BA3810CB018BD0023F370C7DFCA80
  36. 007B990: A5E751DF00213EA23FA3545CA04202DD
  37. 007B9A0: 01310829F9DB585C342411E0B6DF3279
  38. 007B9B0: C24001200240E6D07378F06B316CC218
  39. 007B9C0: 8A4201DD021C002301337370382402E0
  40. 007B9D0: 3258002AD7D0002C09D064203FDF031C
  41. 007B9E0: 305B0234315B80242402A04203DB101C
  42. 007B9F0: 10A927DFC7E701B4C7DFDB8000680128
  43. 007BA00: 01BCC0D0B1DFBEE718B5A400F768002F
  44. 007BA10: B9D5B079002804D03F68002FB3D5F079
  45. 007BA20: 3F187178012904DB01D03F6802E03F88
  46. 007BA30: 00E03F78707A00241C2C09D001210140
  47. 007BA40: 03D0317A00F00FF809D040080434F3E7
  48. 007BA50: 0121014097D0002100F005F893D03020
  49. 007BA60: 00190224B4E710221219B258012902D0
  50. 007BA70: 04DC97427047974204DD01E0974201DA
  51. 007BA80: 002200E00122012A70470000FFFF0000
  52. 007BA90: 050608090F1213FF1C202428242C3024
  53. 007BAA0: 0xB1C2D3E4,0x00001C00,0000000000000000,"\
  54. {patch=`Iconbar Additions` ver=3.6 cp=benj9 id=1C00}","\
  55. \
  56. {sm `profile`}","\
  57. {2.0 cb engage v=1}","\
  58. {76 xy2 position x=32788 y=80}(off=iconbar, on=static)","\
  59. {24 i `first icon` v=2064}","\
  60. {endsm}","\
  61. \
  62. {sm `vibra`}","\
  63. {2.1 cb engage v=1}","\
  64. {116 xy2 position x=32788 y=60}(off=iconbar, on=static)","\
  65. {20 i `vibra icon` v=2073}","\
  66. {16 i `no-vibra icon` v=2072}","\
  67. (0=icon off)","\
  68. {endsm}","\
  69. \
  70. {sm `charging`}","\
  71. {2.5 cb engage v=1}","\
  72. {120 xy2 position x=32788 y=40}(off=iconbar, on=static)","\
  73. {8 i `charge icon` v=2304}","\
  74. {12 i `full icon` v=2305}","\
  75. (0=icon off)","\
  76. {endsm}","\
  77. \
  78. {sm `miniGPS`}","\
  79. Enter icons in 3rd line of minigps files","\
  80. {2.2 cb engage v=1}","\
  81. {80 xy2 position x=32788 y=180}(off=iconbar, on=static)","\
  82. {84 s miniGPS maxlen=31 ","\
  83. value=`0:\\Misc\\gps\\%i\\%i-%i.tmo`}","\
  84. {endsm}","\
  85. \
  86. {sm `net mode`}","\
  87. {2.3 cb engage}","\
  88. {52 xy2 position x=32788 y=100}(off=iconbar, on=static)","\
  89. {28 i iconSearchingLo v=489}","\
  90. {32 i iconPhoneTraffic v=490}","\
  91. {36 i iconSearchingHi v=491}","\
  92. {40 i iconSmsTraffic v=492}","\
  93. {44 i iconSemiIdle v=493}","\
  94. {48 i iconIdle}","\
  95. (0=icon off)","\
  96. {endsm}","\
  97. \
  98. {sm `animation`}","\
  99. {2.4 cb engage}","\
  100. {sm Profiles}","\
  101. {4.0 cb 1 v=1}{4.1 cb 2 v=1}{4.2 cb 3 v=1}{4.3 cb 4 v=1}","\
  102. {4.4 cb 5 v=1}{4.5 cb 6 v=1}{4.6 cb 7 v=1}{4.7 cb 8 v=1}","\
  103. {endsm}","\
  104. {56 xy2 position x=32770 y=142}(off=iconbar, on=static)","\
  105. {60 i `first icon` v=59}","\
  106. {64 i `last icon` v=60}","\
  107. {endsm}",00
  108. #pragma disable old_equal_ff
  109. ;007B842: 04 05 ; universal icon ptc's are from 1C01.ptc to 1C0?.ptc.
  110. /* general usage:
  111. - after some icons is written (0 = off), means: if you enter 0, icon is supressed
  112. - some icons have a position-xy-button. on=static position, canvas. off=iconbar
  113. MiniGPS usage:
  114. The subfolders of Misc/gps are named: LAC. the files in the subfolders are named: CID-LAC.tmo
  115. open e.g. file of your current cell, e.g. "13746-16394.tmo". Enter in the 3rd line an icon number.
  116. if no file for current cell exists, or no icon number in file, you can define a fallback icon for
  117. the whole LAC subfolder. store a file 0-lac.tmo (e.g. "0-16394.tmo"). Enter in the 3rd line the icon.
  118. "Enter in 3rd line" means: enter 2 "line feeds" after the minigps string (key "1", second position),
  119. then enter icon number ("1234")
  120. Universal Icons usage:
  121. - to remove one set: just remove section from patch
  122. - to add one set: just copy and paste another set, fix the ptc-number (twice), set your values
  123. - engage: whole icon set engine (dis)engaged
  124. - submenue `focus`: load a byte/halfword/word from ram. val1-val7 are compared with it.
  125. --- `address`: an address
  126. --- `use as pointer`:
  127. ----- if no, load content byte of `address` directly.
  128. ----- if yes, use `address` as pointer to another ram address. add `offset` to that ram address. load its content byte
  129. --- `offset`: see `use as pointer`
  130. --- `load type`: byte/halfword/dword (1/2/4 bytes). it's YOUR responsibility to ALIGN address!
  131. -`val1-val7 condition`: comparison of val1-val7 with content of `focus` is in mode "=", "<=" or ">=". For mode "<=" and ">" think about the order of the content of val1-val7! val1 is first checked, val7 last, vElse very last.
  132. - sub-menues `values`:
  133. --- checkbox `on/off`: enable/disable this check.
  134. ---`val`: enter value for comparison with focus content. is evaluated according `val1-val7 condition.
  135. ---`icon`: add this icon to bar if condition true.
  136. - sub-menues `Else`: if no condition val1-7 is true, display Icon
  137. --- checkbox `on/off`: enable/disable this check.
  138. ---`exclude val`: don't display `else` icon for this value
  139. ---`icon`: add this icon to bar if none of condition val1-7 are true and if focus content != `exclude val`
  140. */


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beyondpara + 1 + 88 奖励:感谢-你和大家分享资源与经验!


发表于 2007-6-9 09:57:15 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-6-9 10:28:34 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-6-12 18:18:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-6-17 10:25:54 | 显示全部楼层
:) :) :) 我没有看错~~两个机我都有
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发表于 2007-6-17 11:56:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-12-22 19:10:24 | 显示全部楼层
怎么用啊··    介绍下··
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发表于 2008-4-17 17:18:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-30 12:40:46 | 显示全部楼层
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